Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sandbags, Sledgehammers, and Salvation.

"Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it."

-Bruce Lee

That's kind of ironic coming from one of my heroes. I have taken the wisdom that Bruce has left and transformed my own life through his teachings. It was his belief that honest self-expression was one of the main tenets of being a true human being. To live with every nerve in your body exposed to the emotions that come with everything we do.

When I think of all the things I've accomplished, it boils down to one thing. I decided to do it and not sweat the small things. This includes giving up. We all have a choice to be passive, idle, observant, and distant. I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve been passive most of my life. This is also the story for countless people who are afraid to be honest about what they expect of themselves and from life.

What keeps me honest? Everything I do. I have to answer to my conscience every second of my life. Going to the limit tells me what kind of person I am. Standing at the edge of my mind, where nobody else can help me except ME. The smallest inkling inside of my heart that tells me how much I want something, against the burning sensation where all the pain could end if I just said, "I give in." Yes, I’m talking about when I exercise. And no, I do not mean the ego-stroking people do at the gym.

Sometime in a man’s life, he will encounter a heavy object he wishes to lift or something he is compelled to strike with his fist. It requires every ounce of strength and concentration he possesses to accomplish this task. His body and mind are occupied by the trauma he is putting himself through by recruiting every single muscle in his body. Nothing else matters but the task at hand. He will make beastly noises, grit his teeth so hard you can hear them grind, and see amazing things happen when honest effort is put forth. Real training and exercise should HURT. If you want progress there is no time to read a fucking magazine or yap at your neighbor. Mirrors will do nothing except ruin your concentration. If you got suckered into a gym membership, what I am going to say will probably not appeal to you or simply make you angry.

In January of this year, I could only do 2 genuine pull-ups. That means palms faced outward and my chin passed the top of the bar. I looked like I was taking a shit when I did them. I can now do over 17 strict pull-ups while reciting my favorite poem. Am I boasting? Perhaps. But the intent is to show you that anything is possible because you are willing to put in an honest effort. I am a human being and am capable of the same good or evil that you are. I am nothing special. I am not a unique snowflake. I simply decided that mediocrity was not for me anymore. I wanted to be superior to my old-self.

To those who know me best, I can be a nervous wreck sometimes. I am not always on my best behavior or trying my hardest when I should. But it’s not an excuse I make up because I suffer when I act normal or mediocre. The sense of urgency to not waste my time is always punching me in the face. But I don’t just think about myself. I always try to figure out what others can do better. Why? Because I expect them to keep me on my toes. I welcome, and even crave criticism. The way I see it, every breath is a new opportunity for me to change something. I hope that whoever reads this benefits from my reflections and does something positive with his or her life. And one day if I see you, I hope to see that fiery glare in your eyes. The gaze that comes with a robust sense of knowing who YOU really are.

Perhaps you’ll see me swinging my sledgehammer or tossing my odd-looking sandbags. The one thing you won’t find me doing is reading a magazine or talking to my neighbor on the treadmill. I’ll be out on a playground or grassy-field looking like a lunatic. That’s how I search for the real thing. That sense of salvation I relish because I gave 100% and endured the feeling where I wished I wasn’t born. But it’s only a temporary feeling. The pain is good medicine because it is the price I pay for the truth about myself. I have reached a limit but will not remain there for long. I have not only trained my muscles and nerves, but I have burned into my spirit a new sense of self-worth.

Why is the “truth” so important? Because it’s a rare thing to find. I see countless people traipsing through their lives, conjuring up excuses to not fulfill their wishes. And yet, I see lots of people who are honest. These are the people who are not afraid to make mistakes. Don't be afraid to fuck up and make some people feel uncomfortable. Fuck everyone else’s expectations of you. They are merely projections and supplications for what they themselves are unwilling to try. It’s a mistake until you admit that you were wrong, after that it becomes a good lesson. The longing in your mind to see the outcome of your goal has passed and you are now a little wiser, and even more humbled. You realize that it’s a long road ahead, but you are walking with your chin up a little higher and the destination seems to matter less each day.

So be honest about your physical limits. If you can only do one push-up, so be it. If it takes you 1 hour to run a mile, who fucking cares? At least you had the guts to measure yourself. Every person should know their limits because they are always there. In the end they will haunt you when you reflect on your stale and misused life. It is simply a choice of surpassing them. Leave them far behind in the old-self you’ve been meaning to break-up with. Take that chance and become somebody new. Don’t be afraid to be display your emotions. Let the anger of failure pass through you, and relish the momentary joy of true accomplishment. Do not be bashful about what you truly want, but be patient and calculating about your goals. Accept who you are right now and suddenly, your life becomes the most beautiful gift. There is nothing more original than your own honest perspective. The position you occupy in time and space is yours, and yours only. That is both the source of loneliness and true identity, the paradox of life. But to truly be yourself means that nobody can ever take anything valuable from you. Your memories, dreams, and feelings are untouchable.

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