Friday, December 4, 2009

Find your Death Star...

When a man died the ancient Greeks would ask, "Did he have passion?"

What is passion?

We are hardwired to be careful. To not let your emotions take over and be a guide for our actions. To follow a safe path that will not make people uncomfortable.

Passion is the most valuable quality in a human being. It is something that inspires us to open our hearts and become something, to believe in something bigger. It allows me to turn my mistakes into great lessons. It makes me DO and BE, not think and see.

What makes me angry? When people are dishonest, especially when I lie to myself. When people lie about what they really want from life. What they want is to be passionate about something. Anything.

What makes me feel love? That's something I can't write in such few words.

They say that passion is anger and love combined in motion.

Give yourself permission to FEEL again. Timidity is agreement with the fear. Accept the calling that is your life. "Amor Fati", or love your fate...the fate that is your life.


Cora L. said...

I'm envious of those who have one thing that they are truly and primarily passionate about, and oftentimes I feel like I can't help but be timid.

Unknown said...

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