Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Magic seeds

When I was 18, I took my very first Philosophy course. One thing I learned from Professor Danielson, who I owe much of my personal success to, was his mantra. "All thought is for the sake of action. All action is for the sake of friendship."

If you acquire valuable knowledge, or "magic seeds", then you can plant them in your mind and watch them grow. But most of us have been programmed to see instant results. Everything happens so damn fast. And in a week it becomes faster. But what about the things that really matter?

Relationships are the things you cannot rush, must nurture, and matter the most. So let's do the math here. If you are rich, you have vast amounts of social capital. That means you are valuable to other human beings. You possess the capacity to help them survive better and also FEEL good. Does anybody see a trend here? I have a point, trust me.

A rich man is generous with his knowledge and his love. In the end, we are all a huge tribe. The man who possesses real knowledge lets his social circle speak volumes for him. If he understands one of the most basic facts of wealth, you will see it in all of his dealings. People come to him. They are attracted to him and what he has to offer. His house, car, furniture, and material goods is only a reflection of his ability to GO GET.

So you get knowledge. Get up, dress up, and show up. DO WORK. Action. Meet people, then benefit them. Make friends and build relationships. See that we need each other to survive, and help each other thrive.

There is no magic pill, only magic seeds. Anything that comes fast will most likely cause instant regret or be a lady of the night (I don't judge though).

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