Monday, June 21, 2010

To those who know me...

How to Behave Toward an ENFP

Give ENFPs the freedom to be flexible. Realize that churning through possibilities inspires their minds and get their creative juices flowing. Don't bog the unsuspecting ENFP down with too many details, especially on any subject not known to be of deep interest to him or her. Involve the ENFP in the process and try to keep things fun. When communicating with ENFPs you will find that many like to talk. Do not hesitate to interrupt and state your opinion. ENFPs enjoy speculating about ideas, and will do so for hours on end. They enjoy others who engage them in conversation, contribute their ideas and keep it moving in a positive direction. Overall ENFPs appreciate overt honesty in others, they want to know the truth, even if it is not nice or pleasant, they want to know how people "really" feel. ENFPs are easily influenced by what other people say. It may not appear that they are listening when they are talking to you, but soon after the conversation ends they often ponder what the other person has said and incorporate those ideas into their own thinking to use the knowledge for the future.

The main points to remember:
1) ENFPs are absolutely excited by people. So, FEED US GOSSIP. There isn't anything we ENFPs love more than to make opinions of people, followed by judging them accordingly.

2) Give us what we need to know/do straight. No details.

3) Never, ever, mask your emotions. ENFPs constantly over-analyze conversations and interactions, however, we begin to worry when it seems like to whomever we were talking were not being straightforward with their emotions. This means ALWAYS making eye contact.

4) We are incredibly spontaneous. Don't be surprised when an ENFP makes a completely head-turning decision, or when an ENFP makes a joke in bad taste. Just smile, and laugh along.

5) ENFPs work on their own schedule. Don't expect everything you ask for to be done exactly on deadline, which in turn worries us. We make priorities. Let us figure out everything we need to do first, then we'll get around to you.

6) We are a extremely selective group of people. Though we don't all share the same preference of person, we all have a 'perfect' type of person in mind. Don't be offended when you find that we loath a certain quality about you. Although this means we will pretty much dislike you altogether, don't take this as an insult to your persona as a whole.

7) We are ridiculously sentimental. The smallest things, which can even include shoelaces, pieces of trash, books, paper, and other trinkets, can sometimes hold the deepest places in our hearts, as long as they serve as some reminder of any particular event.

8) An ENFP's emotions can never be predicted. Whether it is feelings about weather, working, or most of all, people, these emotions shift very frequently.

9) We love to create. ENFPs are inspired by mostly anything. Random scenes of daily life or interactions with people can send our creative minds into hyper-speed. However, we our cursed with a fragile willingness to complete projects we begin. Though we'll ultimately feel bad about not finish certain projects, we learn to get over this, and immediately fall in love with a new idea.

10) Remember, ENFPs are hard to figure out. Most of what we feel cannot be put into words or understood.

Friday, June 4, 2010

"On average, nature punishes the specialist."

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

-Robert A. Heinlein